Hab Worldwide only supports the use of biodegradable materials for marking hash trails. Plastic flagging tape will not be listed.
Verified Reviews:
Titless (Oct 2014): From the seller’s website — Presco Biodegradable Roll Flagging is today’s most environmentally friendly marking solution. Made of non-woven cellulosic material derived from wood pulp, this flagging is completely non-toxic to humans, animals and the environment. Complete degradation will occur outdoors in six to twenty-four months depending on the climate and environmental conditions.
Roll Width: 1in (Custom widths available upon request). Roll Lengths: 100ft. Material Color Options: Blue, Orange, Red, White, Yellow, Pink Glo. 10 Rolls per Box, 100 Rolls per case. Priced per Roll, Sold per Box of 10 and must be ordered in increments of 10.
We found it very hard to find a source for non-vinyl trail tape, so went with this company at $2.50 per roll. Shipping added $31 to Hawaii. Now we know this is not the cheapest option, especially since the rolls are so small, so probably would not order again.
Greasy Poon (Nov 2014): Was asked where Guam gets our Bio-Tape — we go through a company in Mississippi – It’s biodegradable so environmentally friendly and will degrade in about 4 weeks. These are the biggest rolls we found so far for a good price (1 roll will get you through about 1 mile of thick shiggy trail), all of our trails need to be set in bio-tape otherwise flour and shredded paper day of (if it’s not rainy). So what we generally do is give the Hares 3 rolls to start their trails for a regular Saturday hash then if they need more or they are setting for another hash kennel (Full Moon, DarkSide, Vaj), then the rolls are $3 each. Hope this helps!